About The Love Declaration
This is ‘The Love Declaration’. It is, in my understanding, the best thing I have ever been used to create …because by the simple art of giving it away it creates a new and holy possibility. I say that because of my faith that in millions of ways unknown to me, The Love Declaration works ‘on the inside’ miraculously assisting the receiving reader to live in this world as a ‘light-worker of Love’.
Since “authoring” (aka “downloading”) it in 1986 during a period of visionary receptivity, and then in the years since then sharing free copies of it directly and publicly with untold thousands of people, it has been the core experimental principle of what my life is actually about. In other words, I don’t present it ‘as a fact’, I present it ‘as a possibility’. And I am thus living an experimental life dedicated to discovering just how completely I am able to learn to live such a possibility. Since I am very human and have failed oh so many times, all I can really say is I believe that just attempting to live this Declaration has made me a better person than I would have been otherwise.
The Inspired Mission of this Declaration is to share its invitation to live a life committed to Loving Each Other across the globe, worldwide. You could accurately say I am following an inspired vision living within me… a vision that understands that what it will take for humanity to transform from ‘living as self-centeredness’ to ‘living as selflessness’ can only be created through the conscious act of freely choosing to place Loving One Another above all else “at all times, and under all conditions”. Fundamentally then, what The Love Declaration is doing each time it is read is giving each reader the opportunity to make that conscious choice in THIS MOMENT’S ‘now’.
Your partnership in the sharing of this Declaration throughout humanity in as many languages as possible is certainly welcomed. There is much more than I can personally do to be done. So far I succeeded in creating Spanish, Portuguese, and German translations. When you acquire my paintings, you are helping me accomplish this mission further, because I willingly use an increasing portion of my financial capacity to support The Love Declaration translation and distribution work. These days this is being done mostly online, yet it’s development there awaits mega-serious resources.
(FYI, I also dedicate the majority of the profits from my e-commerce Print On Demand store to support The Love Declaration’s message to reach the world. You can find my e-commerce store at https://www.davidkenyonseacord.com. It’s the only place to go to order very affordable prints of my art, and a lot of other products with my images on them. Think shower curtains, yoga mats, t-shirts, etc..plus beautiful art wall prints.)
I thank you, and I believe the souls of those who will receive The Love Declaration in the future in their own language also thank you …for whatever part you may choose to play in getting it delivered to them, and thus ‘being their partner in awakening from fear’.
Thank you for your commitment to creating a world based upon authentically Love each other. In my view, it’s why we are here.
-David kenyon Seacord

David leading a 1988 seminar on The Love Declaration

John Denver signing The Love Declaration | 1988

More of David’s Writings